Deborah Kobylt LIVE: Laura Anderson & Kristina Ortega of Upword Bound House

Upward Bound House nonprofit helps homeless families with children in #LosAngelesCounty get off the streets and into housing with supportive services, everything from job training, mental health services, placement, and helping to acclimate kids back in school. Today we speak with Kristina Ortega, a woman with four children now thriving after working with #UBH for nearly a year. We also talk with philanthropist #LauraAnderson (#LisaElson is under the weather), and she’ll explain how Upward Bound does this, and also tell us about a race this Sunday along San Vicente Blvd. to raise money for this amazing organization.

Deborah Kobylt LIVE: Kerri Kasem – Radio & TV Host, Activist, Speaker

Kicking off our 2020 Inspiration Series with special guest and friend, Kerri Kasem. This mega-talented TV and radio personality joins us to talk about #KasemCares, which fights for visitation rights and reasonable access to ailing parents. Kerri formed the foundation after being denied access to her dad, #CaseyKasem, in his final years. We’ll also chat about the book and documentary she’s working on, in addition to her upcoming Kasem Cares Conference dedicated to exposing and ending elder abuse.