Mark Ireland, Author, “The Persistence of the Soul: Mediums, Spirit Visitations

Is there life after our time on Earth? It’s a question most of us have pondered, and today, I’d like to invite you to explore this topic with our guest, Mark Ireland, author, “The Persistence of the Soul: Mediums, Spirit Visitations, and Afterlife Communication.”

In this book, Mark takes a deep dive into exploring, through personal accounts and scientific study, about the possibility of an afterlife and explores psychic/medium phenomena through the many lenses of various religious tradition. This book and study of what lies beyond “here,” is also personal to Mark, and we discuss that, too, along with providing guidelines for those trying to communicate with those who have departed. Skeptical? Listen to our interview and decide for yourself.

Please join us on all video and audio platforms of #DeborahKobyltLIVE. I’m your host, #DeborahZaraKobylt. Thanks for joining us.

Neil Gong, Author, “Sons, Daughters & Sidewalk Psychotics”

It’s rare to go anywhere in Los Angeles and not see the serious implications of drug use, mental illness, and homelessness lining our streets and neighborhoods, and today we speak with Neil Gong, a sociologist and associate professor at UC San Diego, who has studied this phenomenon for years and explains why mental health treatment in LA often fails, what can be done to change that.

Neil will also discuss his latest book, “Sons, Daughters, and Sidewalk Psychotics: Mental Illness and Homelessness in Los Angeles,” and the research he’s compiled regarding community care, successful treatments and recoveries, and he delves into the differences between the rich and poor when it comes to drug and mental health treatment. Finally, he talks about possible solutions to this growing and complicated social dilemma, and yes, it involves politics, too.

Please join our show on all video and audio platforms of #DeborahKobyltLIVE, and invite your friends and colleagues, too. I’m your host, #DeborahZaraKobylt, and I’d like to thank you for joining us.